
Salem Common Neighborhood Association Board Meeting 

8/27/24 at 7pm, in person @ 6 Brown St.

Board Members

  • President – Micah Hapworth Vice President – Gabe Ciociola
  • Treasurer – Jane Carroll Corresponding Secretary – Jen Hagar
  • Recording Secretary – Milo Martinez

Chair Positions

  • Finance Chair – Dennis Maroney
  • Common Issues Chair – Jennifer MacGregor
  • Events Chair – OPEN
  • Membership Chair – OPEN

Old Business: Micah and Gabe

  • Traffic Calming and Upgrades Update: Gabe and Micah
    • Discussion starting about Williams St. traffic calming
    • Speed Bumps/Stanchions and Flashing signs for playground
    • Paving Washington Square (particularly WSN/WSE)
    • Winter/WSN need more indication for Red light/crosswalk. Micah reached out to CWF
  • Block Party: Was a great success! What would we change/do differently next year and what worked well?

    • Location was great, visibility with neighborhood. Dog and children sections separate? Great turnout, spend more time with announcements/plugging
  • Movie Nights and Ice Scream Bowl Participation-popcorn and candy dilemmas

    • go back to every week Mid July-Mid Aug with 2 rain dates at the end. Try to keep moves to 2 hours, last movie known to be geared to teens.

Board/Chair Reports 

Common Issues: Jennifer and Jenn 

  • Gravel: Aggregate industries no longer in business. How to get the dust path repaved? (Dust path recreational, paved paths are commuter)
  • Paving/Patching WSN/WSE/Pleasant: Open work order for the pothole, filled by ward, will find out when they’re doing potholes next. Will find out when/if a full paving schedule has been made for that corner.
  • Signs on waste bins: Updated-Thanks Dennis
  • Lamp heads: 3 Luminaires repaired temporarily, 4 others will try to be salvaged. Long term replacements needed.
  • New bench, corner of WSE by playground

SCNA Events: Milo (Acting Lead)

  • Lawn Party September 14th: Need people to staff the membership tent and also move the dance floor. Milo will send out signups soon and reach out to the Bertram house about cookies/water. Jane will post to Patch.
  • Yard Sale September 28th: in conjunction with Creative Collective. Subsidize 20 vendors for sale and CC will pay us the registration fee. Make more fence finial decals to sell. 
  • October Fun Fest: Jeremy is waiting for SCNA to give application packet for City Council. Micah has sent milo letter, Milo will put together and send
  • Possibly consider Brass Band and Second Line parade around the common or Essex Street. Mardis Gras on 3/4/2025

Treasury Report: Jane

  • Current Account Status: all accounts healthy
    • Upcoming Expenses: Annie and the Fur Trappers, The Shed, Holiday Concert

Other Board Member updates

  • Jen H: September Newsletter with Lawn Party, Yard Sale and Fun Fest Info

New Business: Micah

  • Website Updates: Kristen can no longer help due to personal reasons. Milo will take lead on converting Kristen’s presentation to the website.
  • Membership Drive: Lots of postcards handed out. Do we want to do a mailer/door hanger?
  • NIAC moved to September
  • Planning for Common Decorating and Christmas Concert


  • Bandstand will be part of Phase 2 City initiative, flower beds and electric. Stakeholder meeting being planned.
  • Adult recreation area

NEXT MEETING September 25th 7PM @ board member’s house or Hawthorne Hotel