
SCNA Feb 2024 Board Meeting 2/13/24

Attendees: Dennis, Gabe, Jane, Jen, Jenn, Micah, Milo

President/VP Report: Dennis/Micah/Gabe

  • SOWA: Press release, Crowley contracts & CBA to be done by month end.
  • Upgrades & Traffic Calming:
    • Speed bumps, stanchions & flashing signs for Common playground
    • Paving around Common on Washington Square needed
  • Website Updates: Updates underway. Events, Board recaps, NLs next up
  • Bridge @ 211: SCNA Board to send letter to CPA on behalf of Bridge@211
  • NIAC: Gabe covered 2/14 meeting & distributed updates.
  • Preservation Partners: Gabe covered Feb meeting & distributed updates.
  • Board Meetings: Micah exploring options to current 2 nd Tue of each month
  • New Board: All nominations in with voting to conclude 2/28. Micah to become President on 3/1. Dennis to move to Finance Com. Lead

Treasury Report: Jane (Data As of 2/13/24)

  • Current Funds $31,599: Checking ($16,320), Reserve ($7,026), Arch ($8,253)
  • Cash Box: $220; Donation: $385 – reflected in current funds
  • Incurred Expenses $217: Recognition
  • Anticipated Expenses $2,125: Website ($950); Brunch balance ($1,000); Donation to City 4 th of July ($100); Tabernacle ($75); speaker system (TBD),
  • Charitable Donations: Board agreed to continue these on a selective basis

Membership Report: Jane Acting Lead (Data As of 2/13/24)

  • Last year: 65/Members 86 (21) Family, (37) Individual, (7) Business
  • New Year: 15/Members 23 (8) Family, (7) Individual, (0) Business
  • Membership Lead Needed: New lead needed
  • Membership Mailer: Project on hold

Newsletter: Jen

  • Request more volunteers & new leaders for events & membership
  • Distribute 2024 event schedule
  • Look back at SCNA history beginning 12/16/86 – 40th anniversary 2026

Events: Acting Lead Milo & Group

  • Brunch: Great informative & fun event – well attended
    • Dennis spoke on accomplishments & plans – emphasized need for volunteers
  •  Dennis announced Micah as incoming President
  • Recognition thank you to Jenn & Gary Santo
  • Mayor spoke on housing, schools & environment (SOWA)
  • Sen Lovely, Rep Cruz, Councilors Merkl & CWF attended
  • Annual Meeting: March 13 th @ Tabernacle from 6:30 to 8:30
    • Speaker DA Paul Tucker
    • Jenn to handle contract with Tabernacle
  • Movie Night: TBD in March at Witch Museum
    • Milo to select title & arrange compensation for WM staff
  • Event Flyer 2024: Group decision – open
  • Muster: Event held on Common on morning of 4/13/24
  • Recognition for MA NG at noon on March 14th
  • Events Lead Needed: Continuing to look.

Washington Arch: Gabe

  • Positive ongoing feedback from community & visitors
  • Neighbors appreciate Arch lighting providing nighttime
  • Arch area to be included in City future lamppost plans
  • Gabe exploring available SCNA storage space with City

Common & Neighborhood Issues & Enhancements: Jenn

  • Bandstand: Phase 2 (upgrade dome; flowerbeds; electric) Mike C
  • Fence: Patti K & Mike C on needed near/long term solutions
  • Lawn: Support Ray J on the extensive restoration needed in spring
  • Bring up damaged edging & track serviced by Aggregate, Inc.
  • Lights: Non-functioning lampposts identified to City by Jenn
  • Raised Beds: Further enhancements to wait until spring
  • Future: Explore possible adult recreational/fitness installation

Next Board Meeting: March 12 th at 7 PM; Location: TBD