
SCNA January 2024 Board Meeting 1/9/24

Attendees: Dennis, Gabe, Micah, Jane, Jen, Jenn, Milo

President/VP Report: Dennis/Gabe

  • New Board Member: We welcomed Micah Hapworth to the Board.
  • Nominating Committee: Gabe will put together a slate of officers for members to vote on in February.
  • Offshore Wind Allaince: A close to final contract with Crowley has been agreed to including a CBA which the affected neighborhood associations helped craft.
  • Upgrades & Traffic Calming:
    • Speed bumps, stanchions & flashing signs needed by spring at playground
    • Paving around Common on Washington Square needed
    • Gabe pursuing with Councilor Watson-Felt as new state funding is available.
  • Website Updates: Milo to lead group discussion on changes/updates. Kristen Fitzgerald to help with needed changes along with maintenance.
  • NIAC: Minutes of 12/11 distributed. Mayor spoke at 1/10 meeting emphasizing next fiscal year beginning in July likely to see State cutbacks in aid but still hopefully Port, new SHS building, & climate resiliency will receive needed funding.

Treasury Report: Jane (Data As of 1/9/24)

  • Current Funds $30,646: Checking ($15,368), Reserve ($7,025), Arch ($8,253)
  • Donations: Concert ($372); Bake Sale ($384); Cash Box: $220
  • Incurred Expenses $1,952: Brunch deposit ($500); NYE Toast ($91); Arch ($1,087); PO Box Renewal ($274)
  • Anticipated Expenses $1,950: Membership Mailer ($1K), Website Support ($950)

Membership Report: Jane Acting Lead (Data As of 1/9/24)

  • Last year: 65/Members 86 (21) Family, (37) Individual, (7) Business
  • New Year: 5/Members 9 (4) Family, (1) Individual, (0) Business
  • Awareness: SCNA QR codes applied to Library, Arch sign & bag dispensary
  • Membership Lead Needed: New lead needed

Newsletter: Jen

  • Dec NL: 2023 Year In Review sent and well received – thanks all!
  • Next NL:
    • Request more volunteers & new leaders for events & membership
    • Distribute 2024 event schedule
    • Look back at SCNA history beginning 12/16/86

Events: Acting Lead Milo & Group

  • Holiday Concert: Record # of attendees/200+. Great job all!
  • Brunch: Hawthorne on 2/18 from 11 to 2 – Mayor speaking
  • Movie Night: Exploring with Witch Museum for March – TBD
  • Annual Meeting: Exploring with Diehl & Marcus for March –TBD
  • Annual NG Muster: SCNA support – TBD
  • Event Flyer 2024: Group decision – TBD
  • Events Lead Needed: Continuing to look.

Washington Arch: Gabe

  • Positive ongoing feedback from community & visitors
  • Arch area to be included in City future lamppost plans

Common & Neighborhood Issues & Enhancements: Jenn

  • Bandstand: Phase 2 (upgrade dome; flowerbeds; electric) Mike C
  • Lawn: Thanks to DPS on winter cleanup. Waiting for spring for rejuvenation actions to commence.
  • Fence: Working with Patti K & Mike C on needed near/long term solutions
  • Lights: Non-functioning lampposts identified to City by Jenn
  • Raised Beds: Further enhancements to wait until spring
  • Future: Explore possible adult recreational/fitness installation on Common

Next Board Meeting: Feb 13 th at 7 PM; Location: TBD: Potential speaker: Jen Hardin – NPS Superintendent