SCNA December Board Meeting 12/12/23
President/VP Report: Dennis/Gabe
- SAFE CBA Offshore Wind Facility: Final discussions to conclude with Crowley, City & input from SOWA by year end 2023.
- Upgrades & Traffic Calming: Gabe checking on status with Traffic Dept.
- Traffic stanchions need to be replaced by Witch Museum – open
- Speed bumps, stanchions & flashing signs needed by spring at playground
- Paving & walkway painting around Washington Square needed by spring
- Traffic monitoring on Winter Street as part of decision to reroute 1A
- Website Updates: Milo to add Board Meeting recaps & events.
- NIAC: Next meeting at 12/13/23. Gabe to attend.
- Washington Arch: Decorated with reattached wreath as part of HSI CSI event.
Treasury Report: Jane (Data As of 12/12/23)
- Current Funds: $31,141 Checking ($15,864), Reserve ($7,025), Arch ($8,252)
- Incurred Expenses: $1,192.00: Adele $300 event flyer design; Minit-Print $58; Holiday Concert Band $750
- Anticipated Expenses: $2,950: Membership Mailer ($1K), Website On Hold ($950), Arch Casting for storage ($1K)
- Donations: $4,421: Witch Museum: $75 for bows; Fiesta Shows: $4,346
Membership Report: Jane Acting Lead (Data As of 12/12/23)
- Current year: 65/Members 86: (21) Family, (37) Individual, (7) Business
- New members signed up in fall are good for next year as well
- Membership Lead Needed: New lead needed
Newsletter: Jen
Next NL: Request new leaders for events & membership as well as producing updated event schedule. Also a look back at SCNA’s history as well as 2023 year in review
Events: Acting Lead Milo & Group
- Common Decorating: A great success w/record # of volunteers
- HSI Event: SCNA supported HSI ‘s great Christmas in Salem event
- Holiday Concert: Bridge@211 on Dec 17 th 3 to 5 with bake sale.
- Concert flyer created & distributed
- Winter Brunch: At Hawthorne on 2/18/24 from 11:00 to 2
- Annual Meeting: In March with date & location TBD
- Continuing to look for new event lead
Washington Arch: Gabe
- Arch lighting to be included in future City lamppost plans
- Thanks to all for getting spotlight operational – looks great!
- Skylight delivered Arch work castings storage to City for storage
Common & Neighborhood Issues & Enhancements: Jenn
- Bandstand: Phase 2 (restore dome; add flowerbeds) exploring with City
- Lawn: Ray J planning to address current infestation & remediation after HH
- Major fall cleanup was completed
- Unlikely that removed bollards by Hawthorne will return
- City made aware on non-functioning lampposts’ lights by Jenn
- Fence: Working with Patti K & Mike C on needed near/long term solutions
- Raised Beds: Planting completed. Edges to be rounded & plaques added
- Future: Explore possible adult recreational/fitness installation on Common
Next Board Meeting: Jan 9th at time and location TBD, Jennifer Hardin NPS Superintendent to speak