
SCNA Board Meeting 3/27/24

Board Members

  • President – Micah Hapworth
  • Vice President – Gabe Ciociola
  • Treasurer – Jane Carroll
  • Corresponding Secretary – Jen Hagar
  • Recording Secretary – Milo Martinez

Chair Positions

  • Finance Chair – Dennis Maroney
  • Common Issues Chair – Jennifer MacGregor
  • Events Chair – KELLY BALDASSARRI (Newly appointed)
  • Membership Chair – OPEN

Old Business: Micah and Gabe

  • Preservation Partners: Gabe update?
  • March 14th walkthrough on the Common with planning members and lunch at Hawthorne hotel 12pm.
    • Do table at muster. Dennis to take point
  • Annual Meeting: Well attended. Thank you Jenn! Thank you Dennis! In future is it better in person/zoom/hybrid? Look into hybrid options going forward
  • Traffic Calming and Upgrades Update: Gabe
    • Speed Bumps/Stanchions and Flashing signs for playground
    • Paving Washington Square

Board/Chair Reports 

Treasury Report: Jane

  • Current Account Status
  • Upcoming Expenses: $1,000 for landscaping the arch, $1,000 for landscaping the traffic island and Civil War monument. $950 for the website update. $700 for a new speaker. 

Correspondence: Jen

  • Newsletter Frequency and schedule Will begin monthly in April. What do we want to include? 
  • More frequent posting on social media (features of homes around the Common with links to histories on HSI pages?) 
  • Website Updates: MEETING WITH KRISTEN WAS PRODUCTIVE. HOW DO WE WANT TO PROCEED? Squarespace or WordPress? Figure out pricing before making decision
  • Email communication and methods of contact: Using unified email address seems helpful
  • Grab any board profiles from emails and prepare for website

Recording Secretary: Milo

  • Minutes for this meeting being taken and posted on our website and shared via FB (not including our financials). 

Finance Chair: Dennis

  • Updates to share?
  • Charitable Updates/Requests? Has Colin been paid?

Common Issues: Jennifer and Jenn 

  • Sue Formica was reached out to to help with traffic calming but she can’t commit to a board position. She will help with advocacy on specific issues when she is able.
  • Move benches back into place, they were pushed up against fence for winter plowing, especially Washington Sq. E
  • Remove mold on several benches
  • Playground- fix broken bracket on handicap swing ( posted by neighbor on see click fix )
  • Patch Holes in rubber surfacing on playground.
  • Contact Aggregate Co. for another donation for the stone dust paths.
  • the metal railroad strips lining path are really sticking up now.
  • Get a list of planned work from the city to post to membership
  • Connect with Jeremy Fisk to get input on HH and Common planning

SCNA Events: Kelly and Milo

  • Movie Night: We need to reach out to Father Ives about using their smaller chapel for a movie night. Upon reaching out to Tina at the Witch Museum she stated we would only ever be able to host one there in the month of February.
  • Muster: morning of April 13th. 2024 
  • Event Schedule
  • Kelly Jenn and Milo to meet and scaffold the event schedule for the year
  • Milo to go ahead and start planning the Vintage Lawn Party

Membership Report: Jane

  • Business: 7
  • Family: 21
  • Individual: 37
  • Total: 65
  • (How much Revenue did we receive so far from memberships?)
  • Membership Drive: What is our budget for flyers? 
  • Meetings quarterly should maybe be open to public (via Google Meet) 

New Business: Micah

  • Traffic and Parking Meeting
  • T&P Commission not changing direction of brown, will work on pedestrian safety measures
  • Meeting with Mike Crounse and Patti Kelleher
  • Micah to attend Board meetings with FOSC (they will send a rep to our meetings quarterly)
  • New Logo? Micah will reach out to Simeen Brown to see if she is able to make something and what the cost might be. Perhaps using the arch for the logo.
  • Creative Map to show our boundaries-Thank you Gabe! Maybe we can ask Kristen to include something on our website but make it prettier?


  • SCNA history 12/16/86 with profiles Something to look in to for content/newsletter
  • Maybe look into more support/alliance with HSI?
  • Bandstand will be part of Phase 2 City initiative, flower beds and electric 
  • Adult recreation area?
  • Washington Arch-what are our specific future plans/goals?

NEXT MEETING (4th Wednesdays of the Month) APRIL 24TH @7/7:30PM location TBD