
Salem Common Neighborhood Association 6/26/24

Board Members

  • President – Micah Hapworth
  • Vice President – Gabe Ciociola
  • Treasurer – Jane Carroll
  • Corresponding Secretary – Jen Hagar
  • Recording Secretary – Milo Martinez

Chair Positions

  • Finance Chair – Dennis Maroney
  • Common Issues Chair – Jennifer MacGregor
  • Events Chair – Kelly Baldassarri
  • Membership Chair – OPEN

Old Business: Micah and Gabe

  • NIAC Updates 
    • Mayor celebrated Earth Day with efforts to protect the City from Climate Change
    • Launched the MA Coastal Communities Alliance
    • Artists Row Season Opening and Launch Party
    • Salem is hosting 21-30 Ota Students (more families needed as hosts)
    • AAPI and Pride Flag Raisings
    • Juneteenth Jam (we were backup for Movie showing on 6/18, were not needed)
    • Pride Parade Weekend
    • Opioid survey online can be shared
    • Micah mentioned tour buses parking illegally for dropoffs, lampheads not replaced on the Common, and playground resurfacing
  • Block Parties are happening around the city
    • Federal St. Neighborhood had a Neighborhood Party on June 22nd
    • Common block party move to Forrester or WSE
      • possible 8/11 from briggs to Forrester on WSE
  • Traffic Calming and Upgrades Update: Gabe and Micah
    • Discussion starting about Williams St. traffic calming
    • Speed Bumps/Stanchions and Flashing signs for playground
    • Paving Washington Square
    • Winter/WSN need more indication for Red light/crosswalk. Micah reached out to CWF
  • Salem 400
    • Thinking ahead to 2026: Block Parties, parades with floats (neighborhood floats), time capsules, celebration of the Bandstand and First Muster, Stakeholder meeting in September, Drone Shows
    • budget has not been decided. Relying on Salem orgs to host events instead of centralizing
    • Start thinking about a float for Heritage Days parade 2026

Board/Chair Reports 

Correspondence: Jen

  • Newsletter June: Theme for this month? Highlight July 4th and Movies. Milo to make movie night images

Common Issues: Jennifer and Jenn 

  • Soccer players seem to be absent 🙁
  • some patches on the playground need to be patched

SCNA Events: Kelly and Milo

  • July 4th: Setup tech at 8, everyone else arrive by 8:30 for 9am start. Water and pastries for suggested donations.
  • Updates on P&R Commission meeting and what events are upcoming? 4th and movies approved
  • Juneteenth Movie night update: we were backup for Movie showing on 6/18, were not needed
  • Movie Nights: Micah/Jane to get candy. Micah to reach out to cinema Salem for popcorn
  • Need flyer made for movie nights? Milo to make graphic and Facebook events
  • Purchased microphone
  • Milo needs to start locking down volunteer shifts for Lawn Party

Treasury Report: Jane

  • Current Account Status: paid for garden beds, microphones, July 4th programs

Membership Report: Jane

  • 1 new family member! 😀

New Business: Micah

  • Website Updates: Looks like we will continue with WordPress. Share message from Kristen and decide on path forward. Get framework or skeleton site and implement changes on WordPress backend.
  • Membership Drive: 100 postcards printed to hand out at July 4th and movie nights. Will order more. Will also convert to a door hanger to hang on neighbors doors.


  • Bandstand will be part of Phase 2 City initiative, flower beds and electric. Stakeholder meeting being planned.
  • Adult recreation area-Kelly looking into this.