
SCNA Board 3/10/20 

Present:         Jane Carroll, Gabe Ciociola, Dennis Maroney, Milo Martinez, Jenn Santo, Jen Hagar

The meeting was called to order at 7:30.

President’s Report

Whitney Leese, who wascontractor on the Salem 400 initiative culminating in 2026,hasleft for a position with the ICA.  Dominick is looking to fill this vacancy.

At upcoming April meeting, our speaker was scheduled to be SPD’s Cpt Stephens.  Discussion would center around community policing efforts.Update: AprilBoard meeting will be via ateleconference.  Dennis to request Captainmove to May.

HSI and Preservation Partners follow up. Milo will follow up with Patti & Emily to see what new material they have to share with our community. We will also follow up with Patti on CPA funding for the Washington Arch restoration.

Next Preservation Partners meeting to occur potentially on April 17th at 11.

NIAC meeting occurred on March 11th with February minutes distributed.

Update: Crosswalk painting at WSE/Andrews & possible stop sign discussed.

New programs from the City:

  • Salem Signature Parks. Impact on Common of this large City initiative is TBD.

National Park Services: Possibly expanding boundaries & name of current Salem Maritime Park under discussion. Details are anticipated to be available shortly.

Common Updates & Issues

The Common Fence Restoration is moving ahead with sections by Hawthorne and Washington Square East removed by DeAngelis with planned spring reinstallation. Brennan from City Planning provided the following detailed update:All the fence sections that are part of Phase 4 of restoration work have been removed from the Common for repair. These pieces have all been sandblasted, the first step before repair and repainting. For fence posts or panels that were missing or too severely damaged to be repaired, new castings are being made. Most of the new fence piece castings have been completed. Work is on pace for the fence pieces to be reinstalled at the Common this summer.

UpdateBandstand Restoration project schedule started week of March 16th.

  • Fencing has gone up with demolition underway through end of March.
  • Excavation and concrete will occur the 1st week in April through the 3rd week in April.
  • The new bulkhead is scheduled to go in the last week in April.
  • Landscaping will be the first two weeks in May.
  • The bandstand is currently expected to be reopened May 15th.

Both efforts to be included in the Common Master Plan in development by City.

Milo will talk with Patti (Preservation) about dissimilar light fixtures on the Common and will determine who owns those changes- the Historical Commission or DPS.  Our thanks to the City for restoring all Common lights.

The No Smoking parks ordinance is still in Committee with the no smoking signs also pending approval. Anticipating that signs will apply to the whole Common.

Ongoing winter Common cleanup by Park services team is much appreciated.

Scattered clumps of dirt aswell as several large holes need to be repaired.


March 6thwas our free movie event at the Witch Museum.  The event was well attended and set up due to good work by Milo & team.

 Update: Our Annual Meeting on March 26thwas postponed with a potential new date of May 7thwith Mayor Driscoll still our speaker.In the meantime, an agenda is beingcreated with Milo & Jenn developing the presentation.

Update: The Muster is currently scheduled for 4/11 but will likely be postponed.  The Derby is officially postponed.  We will notify as new dates are chosen. 

Membership Renewal Program: Update: We have 30 paid renewal members, 7 of which are families & 1 business.   Jane completed work on a mailer program and information cards targeting members and non-members from Facebook & Newsletter sources. Jane & Gabe have sent out membership mailers.  Thanks!


Jane worked with Milo on a new logo, cards & banners to use at our events.  They look great and our thanks to all involved. Thegroup also discussed the possibility of offering ecommerce on the SCNA website in the form of t-shirts, mugs, etc.  Update: Milo designed an SCNA t-shirt & has ordered samples.

Officer Elections

Gabe’s nominating committee nominated allcurrent officers along with Erin Murphy.  Update: All were approved electronically on 3/23/20.


Updates sent out on Common projects (lighting, Fence, Bandstand); postponement of Annual Meeting & Hawthorne property acquisition approval.

Washington Arch Restoration

  • Explanatory sign delayed until spring to ensure accuracy of text & images.
  • Positive discussions held with PEM regarding their participation.
  • Arch Restoration Costs: $58K needed w/SCNA to donate $10K leaving $48K.
  • Engineer Knowlton’s assistance needed on Arch brick pad per City agreement.
    • Dominick is pursuing with Knowlton.
  • Gabe & Milo to update the original Arch submission to Historical Commission.
  • Reaching out to NPS, MA NG & Hawthorne to be contributors to the Arch effort.

SNCA can help with funding.  Gabe will talk with staff at Waters& Brown about donating paint and recommendinga painter.

Treasurer’s report

Total Funds: $23,781.99

  • Savings $3,007.75
  • Arch Fund $10,246.87
  • Checking $10,527.37

New Revenue: $456

  • Memberships: $410.00
    • 2 Individual, 4 Family, 2 Business
  • Donations: $46 (movie night)

Incurred Expenses:  $228.45

  • SCNA tablecloth and promotional cards:  $228.45 (check #1562)

Estimated Membership/Events Expenses:

  • Q2 2020:
    • Annual Muster: $100
    • Kentucky Derby Party (postponed): $1,000
  • Q3 2020
    • 4thof July Reading of Declaration: $100
    • Movie Nights on Common: $100
    • Concerts on Common: $1,500
    • Lawn Party on Common: $1,000
    • Yard Sale on Common: $200
  • Q4 2020
    • Kids Fest: $200
    • Holiday Concert: $850

Our March Board meeting adjourned at 9:05 PM

Our next meeting is scheduled at 7:30 on April 14th via teleconference