
SCNA October Board Meeting @ 10.10.23

Attendees: Dennis, Gabe, Jane, Jen, Jenn, Milo

President/VP Report: Dennis/Gabe

  • SAFE CBA Offshore Wind Facility: City meeting with SAFE & SOWA advisory group which SCNA is part of. Conservation Commission recent decision leads to withdrawal of Crowley original proposal.
  • Upgrades & Traffic Calming: Gabe to check status with Traffic Dept.
    • New requests for raised signage at WSN & speed bumps at WSE
    • Paving around Common on Washington Square needed
    • Traffic monitoring on Winter Street
  • Website Updates: Milo to add Board Meeting recaps & events.
  • NIAC: 10/11/23 meeting provided SPD Haunted Happenings update. Will distribute minutes. Recommended that OSF be added to Nov NIAC meeting.
  • Salem 400+: Dennis attended 9/20 planning session & provided input.
  • Raised Beds On Common: Joint Girl Scouts/Maitland Farms venture sponsored by Councilor Varela. Now fully planted and looks great. Thanks to all involved.

Treasury Report: Jane (Data As of 10/10/23)

  • Current Funds $27,601: Checking ($12,328), Reserve ($7,023), Arch ($8,250)
  • Incurred Expenses $2,112: Lawn Party Band ($1500) & Permits/Rental ($225), Block Party ($100); Beautification ($187); Donation Salem Music Boosters ($100).
  • Anticipated Expenses $3,700: Membership Mailer ($1K), Website On Hold ($950), Holiday Concert ($750); Arch Casting for storage ($1,000)
  • Donor specific request list: Being complied.

Membership Report: Jane Acting Lead (Data As of 10/10/23)

  • Current year: 64/Members 84: (20) Family, (37) Individual, (7) Business
  • New members signed up in fall are good for next year as well
  • Membership Lead Needed: New lead needed

Newsletter: Jen

  • Next NL: Request new leaders for events & membership as well as producing updated event schedule. Also a look back at SCNA’s history.

Events: Acting Lead Milo & Group

  • Block Party: Despite gloomy weather a success– thanks Jane!
  • Kids Fun Fest: Oct 21/22 & 28/29 – 11 AM to 5 PM. Posted to FB
  • Holiday tree/wreath decorating: Nov 26 th 12-2. Posted to FB
    • Thanks to Jenn for placing orders & acquiring donors.
    • Hot chocolate & candy canes available to volunteers.
    • Dennis working with Ray J on hanging wreath.
    • Dennis working with Ray J on spotlight illuminating Arch.
  • HSI Event: SCNA supporting HSI ‘s Christmas in Salem event
    • HSI house tours on Dec 1 st , 2 nd & 3rd
    • Placing large wreath on Arch to celebrate event
    • SCNA supporting by buying an ad in HSI brochure
    • Jen volunteering as house captain
  • Holiday Concert: Bridge@211 on Dec 17 th 3 to 5 with bake sale.
  • Continuing to look for new event lead

Washington Arch: Gabe

  • Washington Arch Restoration wins HSI Preservation award!
  • Arch lighting to be included in future City lamppost plans
    • Looking to get existing spotlight operational for holidays
  • Wreath approved to add to Arch for holidays with Ray’s assistance
  • Working with Skylight & City on storage of Arch work castings

Common & Neighborhood Issues & Enhancements: Jenn

  • Bandstand: Phase 2 (restore dome; add flowerbeds) exploring w/Mike C
  • Lawn: Ray J planning to address current infestation & remediation after HH
  • Fence: Working with Patti K & Mike C on needed near/long term solutions
  • Raised Beds: Planting completed. Edges to be rounded & plaques added
  • Future: Explore possible adult recreational/fitness installation on Common

Next Board Meeting: Nov 14th at 7:30 PM; Location: TBD