
SCNA Board Meeting 5/22/24 

Board Members

  • President – Micah Hapworth
  • Vice President – Gabe Ciociola
  • Treasurer – Jane Carroll
  • Corresponding Secretary – Jen Hagar
  • Recording Secretary – Milo Martinez

Chair Positions

  • Finance Chair – Dennis Maroney
  • Common Issues Chair – Jennifer MacGregor
  • Events Chair – Kelly Baldassarri
  • Membership Chair – OPEN

Old Business: Micah and Gabe

  • NIAC Updates 
  • Preservation Partners Updates –  lawn at Witch House foot traffic mitigation, Ho7G waterfront mitigation presentation
  • Traffic Calming and Upgrades Update: Gabe
    • Speed Bumps/Stanchions and Flashing signs for playground
    • Paving Washington Square
    • Winter/WSN need more indiation for Red light/crosswalk. Micah reached out to CWF
    • Redoing intersection at Goodnight Fatty, potential bumpouts to make crosswalk shorter. Design incoming

Board/Chair Reports 

Correspondence: Jen

  • Newsletter May: Theme for this month? Highlight our board members? Juneteenth movie on 6/18

Common Issues: Jennifer and Jenn 

  • Met with Katie: 
    • Updates on Grass, Benches, Remove mold on benches. Playground swing, rubber surfacing repair, aggregate co for stone dust, metal edging
    • Will plow the outer walking path during snow storms to ensure people can pass through/around the Common
    • New grass doing well

SCNA Events: Kelly and Milo

    • Updates on P&R Commission meeting and what events are upcoming? Moved to 6/18 meeting for July 4th reading, and movie nights
    • Spring Movie Night: Juneteenth Movie night on 18th. Working with City Events coordinator Jeremy Fiske. Our equipment will show the movie. Updates?
    • Event Schedule: 
      • 4th of July: Planning should commence. Speaker? Reach out to Diana Dunlap of the Historical Society. Intro and closing speakers. Soloist? Ask Caroline Watson-Felt or Seth Molton to speak. Micah to ask historian/history alive for re-enactor
      • July/August: Movie night dates and selections? Ice cream bowl on 8/7, will sell water
      • September: Lawn Party-September 14th rain date 15th. Updates? Band booked, will start advertising soon
      • October: Fun Fest (last two weekends of October). Do we need to get in touch with EJ at Fiesta Shows? Should fill out P&R application and start to compile City Council package
      • December: Holiday Concert-location?
  • Speaker purchased? PURCHASED!

New Business: Micah

  • Met with John Andrews, and FOSC since last meeting. Attended the Haunted Happenings Events Committee Meeting. Will attend city Events Committee meetings in the future. Meeting with Gini Cherol on Friday. Will redistribute vendors around to disperse foot traffic
  • Website Updates: Looks like we will continue with WordPress. Waiting on next steps from Kristen.
  • Membership Drive: Does anyone want to do the research to have printed some flyers/door hangers. I haven’t had the time to do the research but can definitely walk around and put in mailboxes/hang on doors. Will work on 1000 door hangers via vistaprint for first round
  • What is our budget for flyers? What do we want them to say/look like?
  • Remittance Envelopes printed by Creative Ink


  • Bandstand will be part of Phase 2 City initiative, flower beds and electric 
  • Adult recreation area?

NEXT MEETING (4th Wednesdays of the Month) June 26th 7:30PM Micah’s House or Hawthorne Hotel