
SCNA Board Meeting: 5.10.22 Recap & Updates: 5.14.22

Board Attendees Online: Amy, Dennis, Gabe, Jane, Jen

Guest Speaker: Stacy Kilb, Salem Sustainability Director

  • Reviewed the benefits of sustainability for historic homes
  • SCNA to distribute Stacy’s presentation

President/VP Report: Dennis/Gabe

  • Traffic: WSN crosswalks striped with new thermos paint on 5/15.
  • Flex posts, bump outs & stanchions to follow
  • Rubber speed cushions for Mall & Howard Streets up next
  • Hope to extend improvements to more streets & playground
  • Overall annual sidewalk striping needs to happen soon
  • Traffic monitoring program underway on Pleasant & Andrews St.
  • Rerouting 1A@Winter St to Wash St/Bridge Ext. needs legislation
    • Bridge St. Neighborhood Association also supports
  • Sidewalks: SCNA endorses new ordinance -requests owner brick option
  • Grant: SCNA supports House of Seven Gables open space project
  • NIAC: 5/11/22 meeting attended & minutes distributed

Participation: Need for additional active volunteers

Treasury & Membership Reports: Jane (Data As of 5.9.22)

Total $28,322: Checking ($12,222), Savings ($5,014), Arch ($11,109)

  • Incurred Expenses: $153 including $100 donation to Essex Heritage

Expenses Anticipated: $1,328

  • Arch: $1,328 landscaping by Arbor Design
  • 2022 Memberships 42: (20) Family, (15) Individual, (7) Business
    • New members: Mailer program – Amy & Jane to decide

Newsletter: Jen

Newsletter: Annual Meeting recap; Arch SATV link; events

Common & Neighborhood Enhancements: Jenn

  • Trees: Pruning project completed by Arborist Bob LeBlanc
    • SCNA supports the next phase of Tree project
  • Lawn: Ray Jodoin has initiated revitalization of Common’s 9 acres: Shursberry Landscaping has begun filling all low areas with 32 tons of improved root zone mix. This will be followed by aerifying, seeding (500 lbs. per acre), dragging with harrow, & fertilizing (6 bags per acre). Monthly fertilizing will then continue
    June thru November at the rate of 4.5 bags per acre.
  • Benches: 4 ADA benches installed. Transition points needed.3 regular benches installed with 5 more planned for 2023.
  • Bandstand: Phase 2 scheduled for summer & may include flowers
    Trash Barrels: Useability of new larger barrels under discussion.

Events: Milo

Event Schedule:

  • Common Cleanup on 4/24 as part of Salem Cleanup went well.
  • Movie Night (Clue) on 4/29 at Diehl Marcus & Co. was great fun.
  • Next event: Café Claude – Sinatra Tribute 5/15 at 3 on Common.
  • Upcoming: SCNA is a leading sponsor of Garden Club’s July event.
  • Other: Confirm 2022 schedule so Adele can create postcard.

Arch Restoration: Gabe

City: SHC hearing to approve Cravings on 5/18 at 6 PM via Zoom
Painting/Landscaping: Painting done – landscaping to complete in May.
Carvings: Contracted with PEM endorsed designer: Skylight Studios.
PEM: Access to McIntire originals approved via Curator Sarah Chasse.

Next Board Meeting: June 14th, 2022, at 7:30. Location: TBD