
Minutes 2/9/21

SCNA Board 2/9/21 Present:Dennis, Erin, Gabe, Jen, Jenn & Milo The meeting was called to order at 7:30. President’s Report Signature Park Common Impact: Waiting for update from P. Kelleher Traffic: Gabe has reached out to David Kucharsky on neighborhood issues: Stop sign @ WSE/Andrew; Speed bumps by playground; Crosswalk painting NIAC 2/10/21 covered virus/vaccine

Minutes 1/12/21

SCNA Board 1/12/21 Present: Dennis, Gabe, Jane, Jenn, Milo, Erin, & Jen Guest: Larry Spang unable to attend meeting. Patti Kelleher from City of Salem spoke instead. The meeting was called to order at 7:30. Patti spoke about a grant obtained from MA Historic Comm. An architect firm is creating new Historic Commission design guidelines that will

Minutes 12/8/20

SCNA Board 12/8/20  Present: Jane Carroll, Gabe Ciociola, Jen Hagar, Milo Martinez, Erin Murphy, Lynn Murray, Jenn Santo The meeting was called to order at 7:30. President’s Report Councilor Madore supports working with Traffic Department on below: Refresh crosswalk painting at WSE & Forrester Traffic calming at Forrester, Essex & around Common Stop sign at

Minutes 11/10/20

SCNA Board 11/10/20  Present: Jane Carroll, Gabe Ciociola, Jen Hagar, Dennis Maroney, Milo Martinez, Lynn Murray, Jenn Santo Guest: Ward 2 Salem City Councilor Christine Madore The meeting was called to order at 7:30. Dennis opened the meeting by thanking Councilor Madore for her service.  The group then discussed what the SCNA could do to help her

Minutes 10/13/20

SCNA Board 10/13/20  Present:         Gabe Ciociola, Jane Carroll, Jen Hagar, Dennis Maroney, Milo Martinez, Lynn Murray, Jenn Santo Guests: Elizabeth Aberg, Lesley Harrington, Susie Moulton; (Members – Friends of Salem Common) The meeting was called to order at 7:30. Friends of Salem Common Presentation Susie Moulton presented a synopsis of a Conditions Report.  The

Minutes 9/8/20

SCNA Board 9/8/20  Present:         Jane Carroll, Gabe Ciociola, Jen Hagar, Dennis Maroney, Milo Martinez, Erin Murphy, Lynn Murray, Jenn Santo The meeting was called to order at 7:30. President’s Report Reviewing painting a crosswalk at Narbonne House on Essex Street with Dave Knowlton. NIAC meeting on 9/9/20 to be covered by Gabe.  Update: minutes

Minutes 8/11/20

SCNA Board 8/11/20  Present:         Gabe Ciociola, Jen Hagar, Dennis Maroney, Milo Martinez, Erin Murphy, Lynn Murray, Jenn Santo The meeting was called to order at 7:30. Guests: Jenna Ide, Director of Capital Projects, City of Salem Barb Swartz, Salem Beautification Committee member Jenna Ide discussed landscaping possibilities around the Bandstand and the Board updated her on

Minutes 7/14/20

SCNA Board 7/14/20  Present:         Jane Carroll, Gabe Ciociola, Jen Hagar, Milo Martinez, Erin Murphy, Lynn Murray, Jenn Santo The meeting was called to order at 7:30. President’s Report No speaker at our July Board meeting but Jenna Ide of City to join our August Board meeting. Jenna to discuss possibility of flower beds being

Minutes 6/9/20

SCNA Board 6/9/20  Present:         Gabe Ciociola, Jen Hagar, Milo Martinez, Erin Murphy, Jenn Santo The meeting was called to order at 7:30. President’s Report Community Common clean up organized by SCNA with City occurred on 6/13. Update: Success with great crew of volunteers & great support by Ray of DPS.  Next Preservation Partners to occur

Minutes 5/12/20

SCNA Board 5/12/20  Present:         Jane Carroll, Gabe Ciociola, Milo Martinez, Erin Murphy, Lynn Murray, Jenn & Gary Santo The meeting was called to order at 7:30. President’s Report HSI and Preservation Partners follow up. Milo advised that there is new information on HSI website on advantages of Historic Districts.  Per Erin, Patti advised that project